
Lab dinner

New postdoc

New grant
Arvid Guterstam awarded the SSMF Starting grant 2025

Welcome Elias!
A new postdoc has joined the lab

ASSC 27, Tokyo, July 1-5
Social Perception Lab heading toward ASSC27 in Tokyo!

Welcome Martha and Chris!
The first two PhD students have joined lab.

Motion capture system
Today, a new hybrid motion capture system was installed in the lab.

Welcome Patricia!
This week, Patricia Christian (PhD) started in the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!

Media feature
The work of the lab featured in the science magazine Medicinsk Vetenskap, published by KI Press.

Welcome Patrick!
Today, new postdoc Patrick Falk joined the lab. Patrick did his PhD at University College London, where he studied bodily motions associated with dyadic social interactions. Welcome to the lab!